Dental implant operation is the most common method nowadays for oral health because of the fact that this is the only tooth replacement that stimulates new bone growth and prevents additional bone loss. Implants only require treatment to the immediate area of tooth loss, unlike dental bridges which require adjacent teeth to be ground down for the bridge to be anchored reach. Dental implants are surgically placed in your jawbone and they serve as the roots of missing teeth. Because the titanium in the implants fuses with your jawbone so that the implants won’t slip, make noise or cause bone damage.

With regular brushing and flossing, the implant screw can last a lifetime, on the condition that the patient receives regular dental check-ups every 6 months. The crown, usually only lasts about 10 to 15 years then it may need a replacement because of wear and tear.

We are able to mold, sand, and shape the crown to perfectly match the shape of the tooth its replacing. Implants provide a natural-looking replacement and function properly just like your own healthy tooth does. But the benefits of an implant are not limited with aesthetics. Implants creates an amazing cellular connection with the bone, meaning that it is essentially indistinguishable from the tooth you lost and you feel the comfort at most.


  • Perfect teeth look
  • Functioning properly as natural
  • Fluent speaking
  • Excellent dental roots
  • Easy to consume food
  • More self-confidence
  • Protects oral and dental health
  • Suitable for long term use
  • Durability
  • Comfort
  • Prevents possible oral diseases
  • Reliable


Dental implant operations consist of 2/3 stages.

At once maximum 12 teeth can be implanted.

Full implant can be made for 6 upper and 6 bottom or 4 upper and 4 bottom teeths at the same time.

The first step in dental implant process is creating a personalized treatment plan. The plan is offered to you by our dentist specifically to meet your needs in medical aspects.

Secondly the implant that will be inserted in the root of your tooth with a small pole made of titanium is placed in the bone socket of the missing tooth. As the jawbone heals, the implant clings safely to the jaw. After the implant is completely boiled to the jawbone, it can be adapted to its superstructure. The superstructure known as the abutment plays a role as the skeleton of the tooth. New teeth are made on this abutment.

Our dentist also matches the colour of new teeth according to your natural teeth colour. As a result, the implant is fixed to the jawbone, your implanted teeths look llike your own natural teeths so they functions naturally and you feel yourself comfortable.

After dental implant operation, the antibiotic treatment may start in case of any pain or toothache.


Before implant operation, the patient is mostly given local anesthesia or general anesthesia in some cases. Therefore, during the surgical procedure, the patient does not feel any pain. In patients with local anesthesia, there may be mild pain after the anesthesia effect dissipates during the day. These pains are seen as normal. After the operation, this condition is eliminated by using painkillers recommended by our dentists. This pain is similar to the pain experienced in normal tooth extraction.


  • Avoid rinsing your mouth
  • Try not to disturb the surgical site with your tongue or fingers for the rest of the day
  • Don’t spit, suck on straws or smoke
  • Do not use straws
  • Drink from a glass
  • Avoid carbonated beverages or very hot foods or drinks
  • A soft, non-chewing diet is recommended for 10 days to 2 weeks after surgery to allow the gum tissue to heal


How to recover as quickly as possible

1. Stick to soft foods

Consuming soft foods induces avoiding jaw movement caused by chewing. Any kind of motion could irritate the wound and may delay the healing process.

2. Avoid hot foods and drinks

Your gums are likely to be super sensitive directly after the operation. Do not consume anything too hot so as not to cause any unexpected pain.

3. Don’t use a straw

Straw is the last thing you should be using if you have an oral wound. The suction may disrupt the wound and slow down recovery substantially.

4. Hydrate and cut alcohol and caffeine

It is essenial to keep yourself hydrated after surgery cause it helps to avoid many forms of illness or health issues caused by high consumption of alcohol and caffeine.

This means that alcohol and caffeine are definitely on the ‘prohibition’ list.

5. Quit smoking

Smoking can slow the healing process veritably cause it deprives the necessary oxygen of your body to recover quickly.

6. Limit strenuous activities

Slow down the exercise routine and rest as much as you can. Relaxing at home gives your implant an opportunity to heal without risk of being knocked or dislodged.

7. Keep the swelling down with ice packs

By using ice packs, ice cubes or frozen materials, you’ll look better and feel brighter.

8. Take the pain medication

It is possible that you may have some form of pain, follow instructions suggested by our dentist to keep the pain down as much as possible.

9. Salt water rinses

Be gentle and careful on the first day after surgery, on the second day you are able to use a salty mouthwash regularly to keep bacteria away and prevent infection.

10. Practise good dental hygiene

Keep the wound clean by brushing your teeth around the implant every day so that food particles can’t get stuck, stay inside of the mouth and increase the possibility of infection.


What is the downside of dental implants?

The risks and complications of dental implants can be listed as infection, damage to other teeth, delayed bone healing, nerve damage, prolonged bleeding, jaw fractures and more.

How painful is a dental implant?

Mostly people who have received dental implants say that there is very little discomfort, less then you have in tooth extraction. Local anesthesia may be used during the procedure according to your doctor.

Can dental implants be done in one day?

Dental implants can be performed in one day really. And not only can they be done, but they are also done well. Teeth-in-an-Hour has a high rate of success in dentistry.

How long after extraction can I get an implant?

If you are planning to get a dental implants after a tooth extraction, you will nearly need to wait a minimum of 10 weeks after the tooth extraction before dental implants can be placed. This waiting period allows the mouth to heal after the tooth extraction surgery.

Do I need anesthesia for dental implant?

The procedure for placing dental implants is a skillful surgery. In order to ensure that you are comfortable during the operation, our surgeon may use a form of anesthesia. The type of anesthesia used will be decided between you and our surgeon chosen for you privately. But the procedure does not necessarily require general anesthesia.

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